In New York, the winter season typically began in mid-November and concluded at Lent. Over this twelve-week period there was a stream of balls, receptions, teas, luncheons, dinners, musicales, and theatre parties. In 1897, the new Astoria Hotel (soon to be combined with its rival Waldorf) opened in November 1st, thus ushering in the season a few weeks early.
1st Opening of the new Astoria with a charity fete
4th Auction of Horse Show boxes at Madison Square Garden 5th First concert of the 20th season of the New York Symphony Society 15th-21st 13th Annual Horse Show 15th Delmonico's new building opens 25th Thanksgiving Day golf tournaments at Baltusrol, Ardsley, St. Andrews, and Lakewood clubs. 25th The Meadow Brook Club run with the hounds 26th First coming-out reception of the season given by Mr. and Mrs. Charles Henderson for their daughter Miss Janet Henderson |
2nd First De Coverley dance of the season takes place at Sherry's 3rd Friday Evening Dance Classes begin at Sherry's 6th First of four "Musical Mornings" arranged by Mrs. Bagby at the ballroom of the Astoria Hotel. 6th First Wednesday Cotillion of the season at Sherry's 9th First private dance of the season given by Mrs. Anson Phelps-Stokes for her daughter Miss Caroline Mildred Phelps-Stokes. 16th First Assembly Ball at the Astoria 24th Charity fair for the Bryson Day Nursery at the Waldorf-Astoria |